What is not competitive is not sustainable. What is not sustainable is not competitive.
Sustainability and sustained economic development are not mutually exclusive.
They are complementary elements of success.

The State of the World
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index
The Most Compehensive Country Index
Published since 2012, the GSCI evaluates country ESG competitiveness – and the State of the World.
The GSCI ia a basis for policy decison making, and evaluating country-specific risks for businesses and investors.

Sustainable Competitiveness
Integrating Strategy, Management Systems, Roadmaps, Communication
With the maker of 3 DJSI World Industry Group Leaders.
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Laos Leads The Natural Capital index 2021
Laos leads the Natural capital Index 2021 The Natural Capital Index aims to measure the Natural Capital – one of 5 pillars of a countries (sustainable) competitiveness. The Natural Capital of a country is the given physical environment and its climatic conditions, paired with the availability and intactness of natural resources and sufficient water. The […]

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2021
10th edition The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2021 The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (GSCI) measures national development and green growth since 2012, based on 131 quantitative indicators derived from recognized international organisations to present a comprehensive view of a nation’s potential. The Indicators are grouped into the five pillars of a nation-economy: Natural Capital Index […]

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2020
Sweden tops the GSCI for a 5th consecutive year, followed by Iceland, Denmark, Finland, & Switzerland UK is ranked 15, Germany 22, US 32, China 39 North-East Asia (South Korea, Japan, China) keep dominating the Intellectual Capital sub-index, while Scandinavia tops the Social Capital sub-index Conventional credit ratings do not reflect ESG risks/opportunities and need […]

12 Policies for more sustainable AND more competitive societies
Sustainable, Democratic, CompetitiveOur governing systems have become fat and inefficient. They don’t allow us to respond to today’s threats and opportunities – or make them worse. This is a management consultancy take on governance that ensures competitiveness, and sustainability – the 12 key suggestions for higher prosperity and higher sustainability:A global climate taxMore democracyBetter governanceReal […]

Sustainable Competitiveness for the American Democracy
Much is being talked about the state of the US Democracy these days. The system is “broken”, the country divided. Its global power – both in terms of raw power and technological leadership – is deteriorating fast, as is the global appal of the US. This decline has been in the making for some time; […]

Corona Risk Exposure By Country
Country-level corona risk exposure based on performance data, including risk to public health, the economic fallout of the shutdown, and the combined risk

Country-reports on sustainability performance are now available
Country-level sustainability performance and competitiveness reports for 192 countries are now available for downlaod. The individual country reports on allow for a closer look at the sustainable competitiveness performance of individual countries.

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2019
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index measures country performance based on an integrated competitiveness model. It is calculated through 116 quantitative indicators across all aspects that form the foundation for success: Natural Capital, Resource Intensity, Intellectual Capital, Social Cohesion, and Governance. Key takeaways in 2019 include: The top 5 spots are occupied by Scandinavia: Sweden is […]

Global Climate Tax
The simples and most efficient way to reduce GHG emisions to Zero: Climate Tax’n’Cash. There are tens of thousands scientist who have come to the same conclusion, versus a handful of weirdo skepticals. Every single human being, around the globe, can now feel it: bush-, forest- and rainforest fires, droughts, freak storms, flooding, land-slides, […]

The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2017 is out!
The Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2017 Northern Europe is leading the GSCI; US competitiveness set to decline if proposed new policies are all implemented; conventional sovereign bond ratings do not reflect full risks and potential of countries competitiveness Contrarily to common measurements (GDP) and ratings which are mainly based on financial (economic output, the GSI measures […]
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2024

Download The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index 2024
Achieving Sustainable Competitiveness: Key Policies
Download Sustainable. Competitive.
Real-Zero by 2035: Global Climate Tax
The most efficient way to stop climate change: a global climate tax Download Climate Tax Feasibility Study – Executive Summary
Independent research.
Professional. Analytical. Different.