What Gets Measured Gets Done
From the makers of 3 DJSI Industry Sector Leaders: The short guide on how to implement dynamic sustainability in a corporation. Approach, processes and tools based on experiences with a proven success factor
Download the guide: What Gets Measured Gets Done (PDF, 34 pages)
What Gets Measured Gets Done
– the guide to implement dynamic sustainability
Corporate Sustainability Korea 2013
The latest sustainability trends from Korea: increasing energy efficiency, investment in R&D, and Corporate Governance still non-existing.
Out-performance of ESG indexes shows further evidence of superior sustainable stock returns
Corporate Sustainability in Korea (PDF, 30 pages): Corporate Sustainability, Governance, & ESG in Korea - State & Trends 2013
Corporate Sustainability Survey Korea; Facts & Trends
The largest ever survey amongst Korean sustainability professionals on status and trends in corporate sustainability. Key take-aways include:
- More than 55% of respondents say their organization has implemented sustainability activities
- Initial sustainability activities were focused on “social responsibility” activities (ethical management, social activities), rather than strategic considerations
- However, the view on sustainability has been changing significantly and rapidly over the last 2 years.
- 65% of respondents indicate that sustainability has become more important at their respective company since the outbreak of the global financial & economic crisis
- 8% of respondents expect that their company will have fully implemented sustainability management by 2014
Corporate SUstainability in Korea – Facts & Trends (PDF, 30 pages): Download CSR in Korea: Suevey and Trends 2010